Saturday, December 28, 2019

Private School Application Essay Tips

Applying to private school means completing an application, a process with many components. There are short answer questions, forms to fill out, teacher recommendations to collect, standardized tests to take, interviews that need to be scheduled, and an application essay that needs to be written. The essay, for some applicants, can be one of the most stressful parts of the application process. These eight private school application essay tips just might help you produce the best essay youve ever written, which could increase your chances of getting accepted at your dream school.   1. Read the directions. This seems obvious, but hear me out. Reading the directions carefully can help ensure that you accomplish the task at hand. While most directions will be straightforward, you never know if the school is going to ask you to address specific questions on the given topic. Some schools also require that you write more than one essay, and if you just assume you get to pick from the three options when you were actually supposed to write three short essays, well  that is certainly a problem. Pay attention to word counts that might be given, too. 2. Be thoughtful in your writing sample. Leading off from that last sentence of bullet one, pay attention to the requested word count, you need to be thoughtful in how you approach the assignment. Word counts are there for a reason. One, to make sure that you give enough detail to actually say something meaningful. Dont cram in a bunch of unnecessary words just to make it longer.   Consider this essay prompt: Who is someone you admire and why?  If you simply say, I admire my mom because she is great, what does that tell your reader? Nothing useful! Sure, you answered the question, but what thought went into the response? A minimum word count is going to make you actually put some more effort into the details. Make sure that as you write to reach the word count that you arent just putting random words down that dont add to your essay. You need to actually put some effort into writing a good story - yes, youre telling a story in your essay. It should be interesting to read.   Also, remember that writing to a specific word count doesnt mean that you should just stop when you hit the required 250 words either. Few schools will penalize you for going over or under a word count slightly  but dont obliterate the word count. Schools provide these as guidelines to get you to put in some effort to your work, but also prevent you from going overboard. No admission officer wants to read your 30-page memoir as part of your application, no matter how interesting it may be; honestly, they dont have the time. But, they do want a brief story that helps them get to know you as an applicant.   3.   Write about something that matters to you. Most private schools give you an option of essay writing prompts. Dont choose the one that you think you should choose; instead, opt for the writing prompt that most interests you. If youre invested in the topic, passionate about it even, then that will show through in your writing sample. This is your chance to show who you are as a person, share a meaningful experience, memory, dream or hobby, which can set you apart from the other applicants, and thats important.   Admission committee members are going to read hundreds, if not thousands, of essays from prospective students. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to read the same type of essay over and over? Or would you hope to find an essay from a student thats a little different and tells a great story? The more interested you are in the topic, the more interesting your final product will be for the admission committee to read.    4. Write Well. This should be obvious, but it must be stated that this essay should be written well, using proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Know the difference between your and youre; its and its; and there, their, and theyre. Dont use slang, acronyms, or text-speak.   5. Write. Edit/Revise. Read it Out Loud. Repeat.   Dont settle on  the first words you put down on paper (or type on your screen). Read your admission essay carefully, review it, think about it.  Is it interesting? Does it flow well? Does it address the writing prompt and answer any questions that were asked? If you need to, make a checklist of things you need to accomplish with your essay and make sure when you review it that youre actually meeting each requirement. To ensure that your essay flows well, a great trick is to read it out loud, even to yourself. If you stumble while reading it out loud or struggle with what youre trying to get across, thats a sign that you need to revise. When you recite the essay, you should easily move from word to word, sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph.   6. Get a Second Opinion. Ask a friend, parent or teacher to read your essay and give an opinion. Ask them if it reflects you as a person accurately and if you truly completed the requirements on your checklist. Did you address the writing prompt and answer any questions that were asked?   Also get a second opinion on the writing style and tone. Does it sound like you? The essay is your chance to showcase your own unique writing style, tone of voice, personality, and interests. If you write a stock essay that feels cookie cutter and overly formal in nature, the admission committee isnt going to get a clear idea of who you are as an applicant. Make sure the essay you write is genuine.   7. Make sure the work is truly yours.   Taking the lead from the last bullet, make sure your  essay is genuine. This is extremely important. Teachers, parents, admission consultants, secondary school counselors, and friends can all weigh in on it, but the writing needs to be 100% yours. Advice, editing, and proofreading are all fine, but if someone else is crafting your sentences and thoughts for you, youre misleading the admission committee. Believe it or not, if your application doesnt accurately reflect you as an individual, you can jeopardize your future at the school. If you apply using an essay you didnt write (and makes your writing skills look better than they actually are), the school will eventually find out. How? Because its school, and youre eventually going to have to write an essay for your classes. Your teachers will quickly assess your writing abilities and if they dont line up with what you presented in your application, there will be an issue. The private school youve been accepted to may even dismiss you as a student if youre deemed to be dishonest and not capable of managing the academic expectations.   Basically, applying under false pretenses and passing off someone elses work as yours is a major problem. Using someone elses writing  is not only  misleading but can also be considered plagiarism. Dont google sample admission essays  and copy what someone else has done. Schools take plagiarism seriously, and starting off your application like this  isnt going to help.   8. Proofread. Last but not least, proofread, proofread, proofread. Then have someone else proofread. The last thing you want to do is spend all this time and effort to create an awesome private school application essay and then discover that you misspelled a bunch of words or left out a word somewhere and ruin what could have been an awesome essay with some accidental mistakes. Dont just rely on spellcheck either. The computer recognizes both that and than as properly spelled words, but they certainly arent interchangeable.   Good luck!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Strategic Management And Human Resources Management Essay

Introduction: Criterion’s early success in the 1980’s came from their manager’s ability to recognise a gap in a global market, which began the construction of ready to make furniture (RTA). The self made company formed in 1960’s uses strategic management and Human Resources Management to create a goal driven work place. . Strategic Management has the main focus of winning. Each company’s goal may be different but achieving the goal is a win for the company. Although Criterion is lucky enough to have no direct competitors, to stay ahead in the growing market, the brothers, Wally and Brain Smaill, used strategic methods such as SWOT, PEST, Porters 5 forces to gain success. Both strategic and HR management strategies give an advantage over competitors. It was only recently seen as a high focus in Criterion, with the introduction of training evenings to up skill staff. Due to the brothers success globally already, looking to move to China could be a great company mov e for Criterion. Strategic Management: SWOT: SWOT analysis allows Criterion to look at internal strengths and opportunities along side external factors associated with weakness and threats. Strengths Weaknesses †¢ Communication – database between New Zealand and Melbourne †¢ Logistics – Shipping to US fast †¢ Technology – Leading edge †¢ High Quality workforce – workers up skilled †¢ In touch with market †¢ Ages of leadership †¢ Small volume manufacturing – Even though high quality, cant keep up with large businesses †¢Show MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management and Strategic Human Resource Management1136 Words   |  5 PagesManaging Human Resources, 3rd edn, John Wiley Sons, Milton, Qld. In chapter 1 of the text, the author shows an overview of human resource management and strategic human resource management. The author also shows the relationship between HRM and management, manager’s role meaning of strategy, strategic approach to HRM and strategic challenges. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Betel nut as deactivator for broilers free essay sample

Poultry production in the country contributes a great deal to the income for the Filipinos. In fact, it is has become the most popular enterprise among farmers. Chickens are important worldwide, especially for nutritious flesh as a source of food. Broiler is the common breed of chicken that is of meat purpose. Broiler meat is the cheapest source of protein for Filipinos. Broilers are raised in a very short period of time, but still the demand for the poultry products is not meet. However, the profitability and productivity of broilers are dependent on the availability and cost of feeds. Thus poultry raisers are looking for alternative source of feed ingredients that could be used in case of sufficient supply wherein poultry farming today is supplemented by with feed and layering techniques for faster egg-laying and improved productivity of hens which yields more eggs and more chickens for meat consumption. Betel nut is widely produced in Cagayan, Ilocos Sur, and Ilocos Norte. We will write a custom essay sample on Betel nut as deactivator for broilers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Betel nut is a source of protein and can be used as a food supplement for the production of broilers, the researchers search on its constituent. According to the old folks that if you feed broilers with betel nut, the broilers will lose their energy and for them to stay in one place and they can fall asleep. They also talk about taking in betel nut is also for deactivation of parasites to human and animals. As referring to the nutritional gain in taking betel nut as food supplement and curiosity, the researchers decided to investigate/study the performance of betel nut to the growth and development for the broilers as a deactivator. Objectives This study primarily aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of betel nut as deactivators to broilers. Specifically, it answers the following questions: 1. What is the effect on the growth? 2. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the broilers fed with Areca catechu? a. On fats b. On activity c. On worms Hypothesis of the study Betel nut contributes high quality plant protein and alkaloids. Utilization of the betel nut as a partial ratio reduce feed cost without affecting the growth performance of broilers while the liver that is fed, controls the growth of the endoparasites chickens. Significance of the study This study establishes a betel nut and liver to be used in broiler ration that shows significant difference from that of commercial feed. This study would benefit the consumer to have the proper nutrition from the chicken. Scope and Limitation of the study The study includes the evaluation of the effect of betel nut on the weight of the broiler and native chicken’s liver on the growth of broilers. It emphasize on the average weight, weekly gain in weight and initial gain in weight. Difference ratios of betel nut are to be used in different treatments to determine which ratio of betel nut is much better to use. Treatment will be conducted separately from November to December 2013 at Brgy. Bil-loca Batac City.