Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Portion Of The Article And Debate - 857 Words

A portion of the article and debate: â€Å"Global warming is a fact. It just isn t man-made. I suspect that the ecoalarmists of Al Gore s ilk are as much aware of that fact as I am. But more important, so are the world s astrophysicists who study the universe—and, with it, our neighboring planets. Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia noted in 2005 that the current warming cycle on Earth is also affecting our neighbors—Venus and Mars.† (Furthermore) â€Å"In light of what the world’s leading astrophysicists have learned from the NASA s statistics, the majority of the world’s scientists (who are not paid by the environmental lobby or the oil companies that funded Al Gore s science fiction) now completely dismiss as erroneous all of the theories that suggest global warming is a man-made dilemma. In 2006—before Gore earned an Oscar for â€Å"An Inconvenient Truthâ€Å"—Nir Shaviv, an Israeli astrophysicist, denounced Gore s theories that global warming is man-made, saying, â€Å"Solar activity can explain a large part of 20th century global warming.† Shaviv argued before the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that while â€Å"...the melting of the arctic ice sheets is indicative of global warming, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that proves Co2 and other greenhouse gases are the culprits that caused it...Using computer models to find [ecological] fingerprints is hard†¦Ã¢â‚¬  because computer models are not based on facts but onShow MoreRelatedSouth Africa And The Islamic Faith1706 Words   |  7 PagesAs most of our readers know, I was greatly blessed to have the opportunity to travel to South Africa and engage in a series of six debates recently with defenders of the Islamic faith. This included two debates in mosques, and four at universities. 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